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Here's where I'll be linking fun outgoing stuff! I don't really know if there will be a lot but I got some.
Kandi Patterns: This is where I get inspiration for my kandi sometimes! I also love their pattern maker, since it makes it much easier to figure out beadcounts and visualize how a design will look. They also host forums with a very supportive community regardless of your skill level!!
Online Omnichord: (VOLUME WARNING: Check your sound, this one can be loud!)I don't play instruments for shit so it's fun to play with something that almost always sounds nice.
Taiko no Tatsujin Online: (VOLUME WARNING) You can play Taiko on your browser with your keyboard! I'm fairly positive that it covers all the arcade songs, and there's an option to load in custom songs as well.
Window Swap: A website where you can look through different windows across the world! You click the button and you'll find yourself looking at a sight someone else sees every day, but you'll probably just see this once. Isn't that special?
Mansion Generator:(Minor Volume Warning) Here you can get a random mansion for whatever you'd need it for! I use it for Minecraft ideas mostly, but the creator has other generators on their page too for whatever else you'd need inspiration for.

This site may be a little broken in some sections, it's still a work in progress! If a link doesn't go anywhere um. Sorry.

Last updated: 10/1/22
Page updated: Interests