
Thank you for visiting!
⭑ Welcome to AQUAPOLIS!⭑
Circa. 1998
Founded by Michael Suzuki as a getaway for all of Tokyo's residents, Aquapolis Water Park has been entertaining guests and families for over 20 years and counting! At Aquapolis, we like to attempt the unattempted, with our high tech engineers constantly working to bring you new rides and experiences that will shock and delight you like never before. Our goal is for you to leave the park different from how you entered, to see the world in a new light...
Attractions Include:
- Tons of delightful food and shopping kiosks!
- The first underwater coaster to also feature a self defense system!
- An amazing museum of Japan's history!
- The tallest ferris wheel to operate in a water park!
- The most impressive security system to date!

- A one-of-a-kind gorgeous rose garden!
- Some of the most technologically advanced underwater animatronics!
- Live bands and exclusive events!
- True preservation of our history that the kids will love!
(To just skim the facts you need to know as linked from my social media, just go to the About Me and BYF/DNI tabs!)

This site may be a little broken in some sections, it's still a work in progress! If a link doesn't go anywhere um. Sorry.

Last updated: 10/1/22
Page updated: Interests